It rained all night and well into the morning. We decided to hunt down the Blue Star donuts. A bit of incorrect GPS programming took us to the Portland airport where we realized we would have to go into the airport to get the donuts.  We quickly programmed another route. Blue Star donuts lived up to their reputation as we tried half a dozen of them. My favourite was the OG. Kevin liked the Apple cider fritter.

We headed over to the Bonneville dam and watched a short film about how the dam and locks were constructed. We drove over to the Bradford island and were amazed/surprised to find seals in the rapids hunting for fish. The seals are 145 km away from the ocean. We then headed over to the sturgeon pond to find Herman the sturgeon. He was indeed there resting underneath a log. 11 feet long and 500 pounds. We checked out the fish hatchery on the way back to the car. And what trip wouldn’t be complete without a visit to Bridge of the Gods.  This is the point where the Pacific Crest Trail connects Oregon and Washington. I hope you’ve read Wild.