We set our sights on Cape Perpetua. The planned hike was 6 km round trip. Very nice hike through a beautiful forest with some lookouts at the coast. It started to drizzle as we got to the top and the temps dropped. We did the additional loop at the top allowing us to see both north and south coasts. 

It was high tide. Time to head to Thor’s Well, Devil’s Churn and Spouting Horn.  These were perhaps the most remarkable displays of tidal waters that we have ever seen. Water eruptions, as the water came in to the channels, were often as high as 30 feet in the air, and perhaps 40 to 50 feet wide. At Thor’s Well, it seemed like a toilet that was on a high-speed flush, and then would fill up just as quickly. Devil’s Churn made a loud “whoop” sound as the water hit the rocks and then immediately splashed very high. Spouting Horn sent water through a small channel, and the eruption was essentially what looked like a steam cloud.